I have been lucky to know Evelyn’s parents for the last 4 years now, so when they told me that they were having a baby, I was elated! FINALLY, I thought to myself! Then, when Evelyn did make her debut, she came very early and spent about a month growing in the NICU. But she […]
Last year, I was lucky enough to meet Baby Tyler and his totally rad parents at his newborn session. Fast forward to now, and OMG this kid is the cutest thing!! I still can’t believe it’s been a year! This little guy was such a pleasure to photograph—almost as good as he was as a […]
I can’t believe little EJ is one! I’ve known Stephanie and Jared for years now, so capturing EJ’s cake smash for them was an incredibly special moment for me. Stephanie was worried that we wouldn’t be able to get a crack of a smile out of this little guy, but EJ didn’t let me down. […]
Last year, just a few short weeks after her birth, I was able to meet little Solana. She was the ultimate rockstar for her newborn photos—and I can hardly believe that she is already one! Solana is just the cutest little Hawaiian Hula dancer I have ever seen! This happy little girl just loved getting […]
Can you believe little Nicholas is one? Mom brought him to me for a beautiful Oahu cake smash session even as she is just about to deliver Nicholas’s baby brother (bless her soul). She drove all over town the day before to find the stat’s board! (Just for future reference parents—they are at Babies R […]