Nicole & Stu | Colorado Vacation Photographer | Haole Girl


March 5, 2015


Recently, I was able to visit some friends of mine, Nicole and Stu, while I was on vacation in Colorado. I used to work with Nicole many years ago when she lived in Hawaii before, sadly, duty called, the military whisked her away! I got to photograph her wedding a few years ago in Seattle, and last year, I was able to photograph their children. While I was around, they asked me if I’d be willing to photograph them for couples portraits—I was so excited!

We stayed in Vail for a few days, and we got to ski and just enjoy the slow pace of the mountain town. The last day we were there, we went on the hunt for the perfect place to do some couples portraits for Nicole and Stu.

We found a perfect little spot nestled off the main road, in between some houses, and then up the side of a mountain (phew!). We were all freezing, but despite the cold, we sure were able to land some cute images of them!

Nicole & Stu, thanks again for asking me to do these photographs for you. I’m so lucky to have you in my life and even luckier to be able to photograph your beautiful family. I hope I’ll get the chance to see you again soon!



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