I met Rachael through LuLaRoe, and she was already pregnant with little baby E the first time I met her. When I heard about the baby on the way, I couldn’t help but mention that I did newborn photography—but it turns out she already knew! She had been following me on social media for the last year. I love stalkers. 😉
Sweet Baby E was such a doll—and a great sleeper, too! Her daddy proudly serves in the US Army, so I found it very fitting to use an Americana scarf for a few pictures for Daddy. I loved how those images turned out.
Her big sisters are just so precious, too. They were counting the seconds until it was their turn to take pictures with the baby, and I adored the pictures of all the girls together!
Sadly, the Davis family has left the Hawaiian islands for greater adventures in Texas, but I hope to be able to see them when they return so I can capture these beautiful little girls again! Thank you again, Chris & Rachael, for your friendship and the honor of photographing your sweet little ladies!
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