Mom and I arranged this session for the Chavarria family a few months ago. She wanted some updated family photos as well as some milestone pictures of her girls, and I was only too happy to oblige!
We had such a beautiful evening out on the west side of Oahu—gorgeous sun glow, light breeze, and a beautiful color in the water! On top of that, Mom and Dad are just one beautiful couple, aren’t they?
We were even lucky enough to have Grandma and Grandpa join the family at the session as well—which was good timing, because they were flying back to the mainland! The girls were just so smitten with their grandparents that they hardly minded taking pictures with them. I really don’t know how I get so lucky to have such well-behaved children at my sessions. (Maybes it’s the candy I bring to bribe them with!)
We were able to get the family pictures we wanted as well as some with just Mom and Dad. It was important for them to be able to have some time together for those pictures, and boy did they rock the shots!
Thank you so much, Chavarria family, for allowing me the honor of photographing your family. Next time you want to update your photos, please don’t hesitate to call me!
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